Flat Sculpture Project: Elizabeth Murray


Amy Mulvenna

About this lesson

Elizabeth Murray was an American artist and teacher, known for her use of striking and crazily shaped canvases – as you’ll come to see, they are almost cartoonish shapes that seem to swoosh off the wall!

Flat Sculpture Project: Elizabeth Murray

Amy Mulvenna

Elizabeth Murraywas an American artist and teacher, known for her use of striking and crazily shaped canvases – as you’ll come to see, they are almost cartoonish shapes that seemto swoosh off the wall! Inspired by Murray, this week’s Art challenge is to create a colour popping 2d card sculpture. You will have a lot of fun with this one!

You will need:

  • Recycled card or cardboard
  • Scissors (with adult permission)
  • Glue stick
  • A pencil
  • Acrylic paints, including white
  • Black sharpie pen or other black marker