Painting the Personal: Frida Kahlo


Jaf Yusuf

About this lesson

Follow along to create a self portrait with some of your favourite animals, or even, a portrait of your animal with some of its favourite family members!

Painting the Personal: Frida Kahlo

Jaf Yusuf

Born on 6th July 1907, Frida Kahlo was a painter famous for her many portraits that explore themes of identity: how she was seen, and how other women were perceived at the time. She was also inspired by the nature and artefacts of her native Mexico. In this lesson, you will learn how to create a self portrait with some of your favourite animals, or even, a portrait of your animal with some of its favourite family members!

You will need:

  • A pencil
  • Plain pieces of paper
  • Watercolour or acrylic paints
  • A pot of water and paintbrush
  • A mirror, or, alternatively, a photograph of yourself